Public Health and Nursing Doctoral Program present
Guest Lecture: Tuesday, May 2 nd 2023, 10.00 – 11.30 am
🏢 Venue: Auditorium Tahir Utara FK-KMK UGM, 1st Floor
💻 Zoom: ugm.id/kuliahtamuprofmyrra
👥 Speakers:
Prof. dr. Myrra Vernooij-Dassen (Radboud University Nijmegen Medical Centre, Netherlands)
👥 Moderator:
Martina Sinta Kristanti, S.Kep., Ns. M.N., Ph.D (Departement of Basic and Emergency Nursing, FK-KMK UGM)
📖 Topics:
Social Interaction and Cognitive Performance: Theory and Evidence from Human and Rodent Studies
✏️ Registration: ugm.id/daftarkuliahtamuprofmyrra
The session is open for Doctoral students and civitas academica of FK-KMK UGM. Offline participants are limited for 60 people.
Don’t miss it!✨