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Publikasi Mahasiswa dan Alumni Prodi Doktor FKKMK UGM

Personal resilience and rural doctors retention: a study in Indonesia
Nicholas E. Handoyo, Gandes R. Rahayu, Mora Claramita, Julie Ash, Lambert W.T. Schuwirth.
Introduction: Retaining the health workforce in rural areas is a global problem. Job dissatisfaction or work-related distress are among the factors that drive doctors to leave rural places. Resilience has been recognised as a key component of wellbeing and is associated with better satisfaction with life. Building personal resilience has the benefits of lowering vulnerability to work-related adversity. This study examined the association between rural doctors’ personal resilience and the duration of rural practice.
Methods: This cross-sectional study was set in a rural province in Indonesia. A total sampling procedure was implemented. A total of 528 participants responded to an online survey. The survey tool measured six dimensions of a resilience profile (determination, endurance, adaptability, recuperability, comfort zone and life calling) and collected personal data such as date of birth, practice location and duration of rural practice experience. These participants were classified into four groups: intern, general (GP) with <5 years experience, GP with 5–10 years experience, and GP with >10 years experience. The data were analysed quantitatively using Oneway analysis of variance (ANOVA).
Results: Doctors with longer durations of rural experience showed higher resilience levels in four of the dimensions of personal resilience: endurance, adaptability, recuperability and comfort zone. Among those four dimensions, endurance and comfort zone showed significant differences between groups with >10 years of difference in rural experience (p<0.05). The other two dimensions, determination and life calling, showed fluctuations across groups with different rural durations.
Conclusion: This study provides a preliminary result for understanding the relationship between personal resilience and rural doctor retention. It suggests that resilience is partly associated with rural doctor retention. Further studies are needed to examine the causal relationship between resilience and retention.

Maternal and Neonatal Factors Affecting Bone Mineral Content of Indonesian Term Newborns
Tunjung Wibowo, Neti Nurani, Janatin Hastuti, Alifah Anggraini, Rina Susilowati, Mohammad Hakimi, Madarina Julia and Mirjam Van Weissenbruch
Background: Interactions between the genome and intrauterine environment can affect bone mineralization in newborns and even in adult life. Several studies show that intrauterine fetal bone mineralization or early postnatal bone condition influences the risk of osteoporosis in later life.
Objectives: To determine whole body bone mineral content (WB BMC) and factors that influence neonatal WB BMC in Indonesian term newborns.
Subjects/Methods: A cross-sectional study was conducted in Dr. Sardjito General Hospital, Yogyakarta, Indonesia. A total of 45 term, appropriate for gestational age (AGA) newborns were included in this study. BMC was assessed by dual-energy x-ray absorptiometry (DXA) in the first week of life. Weight (g), length (cm) and head circumference (cm) were measured at birth. Data on maternal characteristics were obtained from the maternal health records or reported by the mothers.
Results: WB BMC measured in the present study (mean ± SD: 33.2 ± 9.3 g) was lower than WB BMC of similar populations in developed countries. Multiple linear regression showed that birth weight, birth length, and gestational age had a positive association with WB BMC (p = 0.048, 0.017, and <0.001, respectively), while maternal cigarette exposure had a negative association with WB BMC (p = 0.012). Male infants had significantly higher of WB BMC than female (p = 0.025). These determinants contribute to 55% variability of WB BMC.
Conclusions: WB BMC in Indonesian term newborns is lower than populations in developed countries. Birth weight, length, gestational age, sex, and maternal cigarette exposure during pregnancy are significantly associated with WB BMC observed in Indonesian newborns.

The detection of Japanese encephalitis virus in Megachiropteran bats in West Kalimantan, Indonesia: A potential enzootic transmission pattern in the absence of pig holdings
Ajib Diptyanusa, Elisabeth Siti Herini, Soedarmanto Indarjulianto, Tri Baskoro Tunggul Satoto.
The West Kalimantan province in Borneo island, Indonesia belongs to endemic area of Japanese encephalitis (JE) that accounts for approximately 30% of total cases yearly. As the presence of pig holdings is uncommon in West Kalimantan, another reservoir host might have played a role in the local transmission of JE virus in this area. Current study aimed to identify the potential role of bats in the local transmission of JE by performing molecular detection of JE virus in bats and mosquitoes using RT-PCR. Sample collection was performed in 3 districts in West Kalimantan, covering 3 different ecosystems: forest, coastal, and residential areas. Bat collection was performed using mist net and harp net, while mosquito collection was carried out using animal-baited trap and human landing collection. A total of 373 blood samples from bats were tested for JE virus, among which 21 samples (5.6%) showed positive results, mainly from Cynopterus brachyotis (lesser short-nosed fruit bat) found in residential areas. Out of 53 mosquito pools, 3 JE-positive pools of Culex tritaeniorhynchus and Cx. vishnui were collected at the same location as JE-positive bats. Current study showed the first evidence of JE virus detection in several species of Megachiropteran bats in Indonesia, demonstrated the potential role of frugivorous bats in local transmission of JE in West Kalimantan. More aggressive measures are required in JE risk mitigation, particularly in initiating JE vaccination campaign and in avoiding disruption of bats’ natural habitats through changes in land-use.